Friday, May 17, 2013

If i had to be on any tv show that i possibly could be on it would defiantly have to be teen mom . The teen moms and their parents on this show are so ridiculous its not even funny . Most of them turned out to be great parents but others really need help . Sorry to say . Dont get me wrong im a fan of the show , get them all recorded on tv . . But dang ! If i was a mom you best believe my life would be so different than theirs . . They complain they have no money or they have it so hard YOU GOT TO BE MAKING BANK YOUR ON TV JUST FOR BEING A MOM. Best believe if i was on here that money would be going to the bank for my kid . Not buying a new car every other week or moving into a different home every other month .Anyways . . Love the show . . Thats about it . . (:

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